Steve Jobs quote on Simplicity

This quote about Simplicity from Steve Jobs should tell us everything we need to know about the ‘benefit’ of complexity.

“This has been one of my mantras: focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.”

Just think about what any smartphone replaces:

  • The phone you used to carry.
  • Your camera.
  • The sat-nav you used to have in your car.
  • The Walkman you used to carry around.
  • The Dictaphone you used to have in your briefcase.
  • The TV you have in your living room.
  • The radio in your kitchen.
  • The email software and web browser you used on your computer.
  • The video phone you used to see on sci-fi movies.

Yet kids can use them. And (some) pensioners.

It’s hard to design such a complex device in such a way that it’s simple to use. Is your device as complex as a smartphone? Is there any excuse for letting it be hard to use?

But this isn’t just about products. Make yourself a simple company to do business with.

  • Simple processes.
  • Simple services.
  • Simple pricing.

Simple is never bad. We just think complex makes us look smart.